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Erste Group Bank AG
Am Belvedere 1
1100 Vienna
+43 50100 10100

Awarded in these countries:
2021 Austria
2022 Austria
2023 Austria
2024 Austria

As an awarded LEADING EMPLOYER 2024, Erste Group Bank AG is among the TOP 1% of employers in Austria.

In its kind, LEADING EMPLOYERS is the most comprehensive assessment of employer qualities. It is an independently conducted study based on millions of metadata. In total, more than 100,000 companies were included in the research.

The meta-analysis focuses on a holistic approach: not only certain perspectives or key topics are included in the employer evaluation, but rather the big picture, which is the key to identifying an outstanding employer. This comprises of employee satisfaction, working conditions, understanding of values, environmental awareness, reputation and much more.

Our staff and search robots undertake research, collect information and compile millions of data records from studies, statistics, review portals and reports. All sources used in the survey can be viewed publicly and transparently. Further details on the process and methodology are explained in the following short video.

Meta-Study 2024
Metastudie 2024
Recommended by Employees
Candidate Satisfaction
Employee satisfaction, diversity, talent communication and our authentic image as an employer brand - many topics that are important to us as an employer in this challenging environment. Topics that are also covered by 'LEADING EMPLOYERS'. Our renewed award shows us where we stand. But it also shows us where we can improve, because further development is within us and is one of our core values.
Christian Dorfinger
Christian Dorfinger
Head of Talent Aquisition and Employer Branding